1.Where is the Esna Glass company located?

Esna Glass company is located in Canada and provides different residential and commercial property services including window and door replacement, installation and repair, glass replacement, mirror installation, glass partition, and emergency services.

2. What do emergency services include?

Emergency services include both residential and commercial properties and support glass replacement, window and door replacement, and emergency repairs.

3. Does the company provide temporary repairs?

Yes, it does. When one particular glass, door, or window is not available, our technicians at Esna Glass provide temporary repairs and when the material is available, they will complete the service.

4. Does the mirror installation service support different interior designs?

Yes, our experienced team is familiar with all interior designs and will choose the best installation method based on the interior design and the mirror quality.

5. Which one is better for commercial properties? Aluminum doors or hollow metal doors?

Both of these doors are strong and long-lasting and are recommended for commercial properties. But the hollow metal doors are better options for commercial exterior applications.

6. What type of glass is the best for glass partitions of commercial properties?

Since the glass partitions of commercial properties must be resistant to breaking, toughened glass is the best type of glass for commercial glass partitions. This glass is much stronger and more durable and will create a safe work environment.